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SkinArt Vulcan Default
Titolo: Smith of the Gods
Pantheon: NewUI Pantheon Roman Roman
Tipo: Ranged, Magical
Classe: NewUI Class Mage Mage
Pro: Pusher, High Area Damage
Difficoltà: Average
Data di Rilascio: January 31, 2013
Favore: 5,500 Favor
Gemme: 200 Gems
Doppiaggio: Vulcan voicelines
Doppiatore: Rick Robertson
Salute: 380 (+71)
Mana: 245 (+40)
Velocità: 360 (+0)
Gittata: 55 (+0)
Attacchi al Sec.: 0.9 (+1.1%)
Attacco Base
Danno: 34 (+ 1.5)
+ 20% del Potere Magical
Progressione: None
Fisica: 13 (+3)
Magica: 30 (+0)
HP5: 7 (+0.48)
MP5: 4.8 (+0.45)
*I numeri tra parentesi rappresentano l'ammontare guadagnato per ogni livello

Vulcan è una delle Divinità giocabili in SMITE.


Quando gli Dei di Roma guidano carri attraverso il cielo, è Vulcano che li forgia. Quando cercano le armi da brandire in battaglia, è Vulcano che le ha forgiate. Quando la terra trema e le montagne eruttano fiamme brillanti, è la rabbia di Vulcano che brucia. Fabbro degli Dei, Vulcano crea con fuoco e forgia come un artista farebbe con pennelli e vernice. Quando era ancora infante, Vulcano era talmente orrendo che la sua disgustata madre, Giunone, lo lanciò nel mare dal Monte Olimpo. La caduta fu tanto grande, che ruppe una delle gambe di Vulcano, una ferita da cui non si sarebbe mai ripreso. Una ninfa marina, Teti, lo salvò e lo crebbe con sé. Quando Vulcano fu abbastanza grande, si avventurò sulla superficie e scoprì il fuoco e l’arte del fabbro. Il suo talento naturale emerse e forgiò meravigliosi gioielli per la sua madre adottiva. Convocata per una festa sul Monte Olimpo, Teti indossò i regali scintillanti di Vulcano, ma quando Giunone scoprì che erano stati fatti da lui, ella, invidiosa, ordinò che ritornasse sul Monte Olimpo. Arrabbiato, Vulcano rifiutò. Al suo posto, egli mandò un magnifico trono di oro e gemme che imprigionò Giunone quando vi si sedette. Per tre giorni Giunone rimase incatenata, e vi sarebbe rimasta per sempre se Giove, il padre di Vulcano, non fosse intervenuto. Egli offrì a Vulcano in cambio della libertà di Giunone la mano di Venere, la più bella tra le dee, la Dea dell’Amore. Vulcano acconsentì. Nonostante la sua vendetta venne servita fredda, il fuoco della cattiveria brucia ancora nel petto di Vulcano. Incapace di perdonare davvero, egli ha perso sé stesso nella forgia. Nessuno dei ninnoli meravigliosi, dei gioielli o delle armi che crea potrà mai risanare il dolore che porta nel suo cuore, ma ciascuno di essi è degno di un Dio.


Passiva - Mastro dei Fabbri
Ogni volta che Vulcano mette a segno una sua abilità, acquisisce Velocità di Movimento e MP5 aggiuntivi. Notes:
 Bullet Movement Speed: 15%  Bullet MP5: 15
 Bullet Ability Type: Passive

Video Abilità

EmbedVideo is missing a required parameter.
Prima Abilità - Ritorno di Fiamma
Vulcano scoppia una fiammata della sua Fucina, che lo spinge all’indietro e infligge danno a tutti i nemici davanti a se, marchiando il primo Dio nemico colpito. Il Cannone Infernale bersaglia il nemico marchiato e fa il 10% di danno in più sul bersaglio. Notes:
 Bullet Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+80% of your magical power)  Bullet Mark Lifetime: 4s
 Bullet Ability Type: Projectile, Dash  Bullet Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 mana

Video Abilità

Seconda Abilità - Cannone Infernale
Vulcano costruisce un Cannone Infernale che spara palle di fuoco in un settore che infliggono danno ogni secondo. Il Cannone Infernale rimane fino a quando non viene distrutto o un’ altro Cannone viene piazzato. Il Cannone eredita la penetrazione magica di Vulcano ma non applica gli effetti sul colpo degli oggetti posseduti. Il Cannone Infernale subisce il 50% di danno in più da chiunque non sia un Dio nemico. Notes:
 Bullet The Inferno Cannon has 220/300/380/460/540 health and 5/15/25/35/45 protections.
 Bullet The Inferno Cannon deals 49.5/77/104.5/132/159.5 (+38.5% of your magical power) damage against marked targets.
 Bullet Damage: 45/70/95/120/145 (+35% of your magical power)  Bullet Ability Type: Pet
 Bullet Cooldown: 15 seconds  Bullet Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 mana

Video Abilità

Terza Abilità - Bomba di Magma
Vulcano lancia una bomba che esplode all’impatto sul suolo bersaglio, infliggendo danno e Respingendo i nemici colpiti. Notes:
 Bullet This ability has a range of 60.
 Bullet This ability has a ground target warning indicator visible to enemy players.
 Bullet Damage: 70/120/170/220/270 (+70% of your magical power)  Bullet Ability Type: Ground Target
 Bullet Radius: 15  Bullet Cooldown: 10 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana

Video Abilità

Ultima - Scuotiterra
Vulcano lancia un Missile che esplode all’impatto col suolo. Il Missile parte con il 60% della sua potenza, che cresce man mano che si allontana da Vulcano. Notes:
 Bullet This ability has a range of 120.
 Bullet This ability has a ground target warning indicator visible to enemy players.
 Bullet The rocket gains +0.33% damage per unit traveled.
 Bullet Damage: 400/520/640/760/880 (+130% of your magical power)  Bullet Ability Type: Ground
 Bullet Radius: 30  Bullet Cooldown: 90 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana

Video Abilità

Oggetti Consigliati



PurificationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Vampiric Shroud|?icon}}|64px|link=Vampiric Shroud]]

Vampiric ShroudErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Lost Artifact|?icon}}|64px|link=Lost Artifact]]

Lost ArtifactErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Mana Potion|?icon}}|64px|link=Mana Potion]]

Mana PotionErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Rod of Tahuti|?icon}}|64px|link=Rod of Tahuti]]

Rod of TahutiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of the Magus|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of the Magus]]

Spear of the MagusErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of Desolation|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of Desolation]]

Spear of DesolationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).



SanctuaryErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SprintErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


CurseErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Shoes of the Magi|?icon}}|64px|link=Shoes of the Magi]]

Shoes of the MagiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Doom Orb|?icon}}|64px|link=Doom Orb]]

Doom OrbErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Obsidian Shard|?icon}}|64px|link=Obsidian Shard]]

Obsidian ShardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Magi's Blessing|?icon}}|64px|link=Magi's Blessing]]

Magi's BlessingErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Hide of the Urchin|?icon}}|64px|link=Hide of the Urchin]]

Hide of the UrchinErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spirit Robe|?icon}}|64px|link=Spirit Robe]]

Spirit RobeErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Healing Potion|?icon}}|64px|link=Healing Potion]]

Healing PotionErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Sentry Ward|?icon}}|64px|link=Sentry Ward]]

Sentry WardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


WardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Shoes of the Magi|?icon}}|64px|link=Shoes of the Magi]]

Shoes of the MagiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Doom Orb|?icon}}|64px|link=Doom Orb]]

Doom OrbErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Obsidian Shard|?icon}}|64px|link=Obsidian Shard]]

Obsidian ShardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Magi's Blessing|?icon}}|64px|link=Magi's Blessing]]

Magi's BlessingErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Hide of the Urchin|?icon}}|64px|link=Hide of the Urchin]]

Hide of the UrchinErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spirit Robe|?icon}}|64px|link=Spirit Robe]]

Spirit RobeErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Potion of Magical Might|?icon}}|64px|link=Potion of Magical Might]]

Potion of Magical MightErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Elixir of Power|?icon}}|64px|link=Elixir of Power]]

Elixir of PowerErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Elixir of Defense|?icon}}|64px|link=Elixir of Defense]]

Elixir of DefenseErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Rod of Tahuti|?icon}}|64px|link=Rod of Tahuti]]

Rod of TahutiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of the Magus|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of the Magus]]

Spear of the MagusErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of Desolation|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of Desolation]]

Spear of DesolationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).



PurificationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SanctuaryErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SprintErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


God Reveal


Achievement Combat Vulcan LockedandLoaded
Locked and Loaded
As Vulcan kill an enemy with your Ultimate at the Maximum Distance.
Achievement Combat Vulcan ThatsASpicyMeatball
That's a Spicy Meatball
As Vulcan kill an opponent with Backfire while they're knocked up in the air from Magma Bomb.


  • Vulcan received two significant revision on SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1850 and SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1887, which transformed him from being a Melee Guardian into a Ranged Mage. For more information about the old kit, see Vulcan#Replaced abilities.
  • Vulcan's Sentry skin is a reference to another game made by Hi-Rez Studios, Global Agenda.


Default Skin card Data di Uscita January 31, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo Free
Parlato Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Ironsmith Skin card Data di Uscita January 31, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 100 Gems or 9500 Favor
Parlato Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Warforged Skin card Data di Uscita April 1, 2015
Tipo Standard
Costo 250 Gems
Parlato Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Sentry Skin card Data di Uscita May 15, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems
Parlato Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin will be unlocked for free if you have reached or reach Level 30 with any character in the game Global Agenda.

Titan Skin card Data di Uscita April 28, 2015
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 300 Gems (Titan Chest)
Parlato Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin can only be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

Vulcap'n Redbeard
Vulcap'n Redbeard Skin card Data di Uscita July 19, 2016
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 200 Gems (Pirate's Booty Chest)
Parlato Vulcap'n Redbeard Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin can only be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

Full Metal Vulcan
Full Metal Vulcan Skin card Data di Uscita Unreleased
Tipo Exclusive
Costo None (Undying Chest 2017)
Parlato Full Metal Vulcan voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin can only be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

Golden Skin card Data di Uscita July 23, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 200 Gems or 9500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 1
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Legendary Skin card Data di Uscita July 23, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 300 Gems or 12500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 5
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Diamond Skin card Data di Uscita August 19, 2014
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems or 15000 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 10
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Storico Cambiamenti

Template:Unfinished changelog

SMITE Version 3.12.3494 (July 6, 2016)

  • Icons Vulcan Passive New Passive – Master Craftsman
  • Whenever Vulcan successfully hits an enemy god with an ability he gains +20 MP5 and 15% Movement Speed for 5s.

SMITE Version 3.5.3322.1 (March 29, 2016)

  • Icons Vulcan A04 Earthshaker
  • Increased point blank damage from 50% → 60%.
  • Reduced the travel time at max range.

SMITE Version 2.15.3014 (October 6, 2015)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • Fixed issue with ability preemptively hitting collision.

SMITE Version 2.10.2868 (July 21, 2015)

  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon
  • Fixed being able to place Cannons inside collision.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Warm up is now team colored.
  • Icons Vulcan A04 Earthshaker
  • Warm up is now team colored.

SMITE Version 2.0.2573.3 (February 11, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed the Sentry skin turrets always showing crowd control immune glow on.

SMITE Version 1.0.2476 (December 17, 2014)

  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • This ability no longer stuns as it knocks up.
  • Range reduced from 65 to 60.
  • Added a ground target warning indicator where the Magma Bomb is going to land.

SMITE Version 1.0.2379.3 (October 29, 2014)

  • General
  • Voice has been updated.

SMITE Version 1.0.2326 (October 1, 2014)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • Fixed an issue where if this ability is used while walking forward, Vulcan became stuck bent over until the player stopped moving.

SMITE Version 1.0.2188.3 (June 24, 2014)

  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Fixed missing impact sound fx and hit particles.

SMITE Version 1.0.2173 (June 12, 2014)

  • General
  • Added targeters for Sentry skin.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1968 (February 6, 2014)

  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.2 to 0.1.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1918.2 (January 8, 2014)

  • General
  • Basic attack animations now include trails on his hammer as he swings it.
  • The shockwave basic attack projectile is now blue for his Sentry skin.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • Pre-Hit reduced from 0.5 to 0.25.
  • Increased magical damage scaling from 70% to 80%.
  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon
  • Pre-Hit Delay reduced from 0.49 to 0.4.
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.24 to 0.1.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.4 to 0.2.
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls.
  • Increased magical damage scaling from 60% to 70%.
  • Icons Vulcan A04 Earthshaker
  • Post-Hit Delay reduced from 0.7 to 0.2.
  • Added a vertical beam to the targeting fx to make it easier for Vulcan to see at distance.
  • Fixed an issue where the red outline in the warmup FX wasn’t visible for enemies.
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1888.2 (December 20, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan Passive Heavy Shot
  • Slow increased from 15% to 20%.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • Damage Increased from 65/95/125/155/185 (+70% of your magical power) to 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% of your magical power). Cooldown changed from 9/8/7/6/5 to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5s.
  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon
  • Health per rank changed from 100/150/200/250/300 to 220/300/380/460/540. Protections per rank changed from 5/10/15/20/25 to 5/15/25/35/45.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Damage scaling increased from 40% to 60% of Vulcan's Magical Power.
  • Icons Vulcan A04 Earthshaker
  • Increased projectile speed for long range shots from 45 to 50. (Shot has the same minimum time of 1.5s, but the maximum time at full distance is reduced slightly). Increased magical scaling from 120% to 130%.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1887 (December 18, 2013)

  • General
  • Vulcan has had an ability overhaul, and is now positioned as a Mage. His base stats have been adjusted accordingly. Vulcan’s Basic attack is now ranged.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire (No Change)
  • Vulcan blasts a fireball out of his Forge, pushing him back and dealing 65/95/125/155/185 (+70% of your magical power) damage to all enemies in its path, marking the first god that is hit. The Inferno Cannon prioritizes the marked target and deals 10% more damage to that god.
  • Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 mana.
  • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds.
  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon (No Change)
  • Vulcan constructs an Inferno Cannon that shoots fireballs in a cone that deal 45/70/95/120/145 (+35% of your magical power) damage to the target every second. The Inferno Cannon lasts until destroyed or another is placed. This inherits Vulcan's penetrations but does not apply on-hit effects. Inferno Cannon takes 50% additional damage from non-god sources.
  • Cost: 65/70/75/80/85 mana.
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb (No Change)
  • Vulcan tosses a bomb that explodes in a radius on impact with the ground, damaging for 70/120/170/220/270 (+40% of your magical power), stunning for 1s, and knocking back nearby enemies.
  • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana.
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Icons Vulcan A04 Earthshaker (NEW)
  • Vulcan launches a rocket that explodes on impact with the ground, causing 400/520/640/760/880 (+120% of your magical power) damage. The rocket starts at 50% damage strength, and increases damage the further it travels from Vulcan.
  • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana.
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1868.3 (December 5, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • Fixed an issue in which Vulcan could be stuck moving backwards.
  • Fixed an issue in which Vulcan could sometimes get stuck in “hunchback” pose under some circumstances.
  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon
  • Fixed an issue where it would target towers.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b Magma Bomb
  • Updated the targeter to be more clear where the center of the blast will be.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1850 (November 20, 2013)

  • General
  • New loading screen card.
  • Vulcan received some visual FX upgrades to his melee attacks and other miscellaneous areas.
  • Vulcan should no longer play his intro animation twice.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • The backward dash movement on this device has been re-enabled. It will also now slide against angled walls and surfaces, rather than come to a complete stop. Note: The movement now acts like a traditional dash. He will no longer have invulnerability frames, or lose the point in Domination while moving.
  • Icons Vulcan A02 Inferno Cannon
  • The tooltip now indicates that this turret takes 50% additional damage from non-god sources.
  • The Inferno Cannon’s current target will also now have a targeting beam drawn to them, similar to those of Towers.
  • Icons Vulcan A01b [New #3] - Magma Bomb
  • Vulcan returned to the workshop and re-emerged with a new gadget. His Thumper XVI has been replaced with the Magma Bomb. The Magma Bomb is a ground target projectile that explodes on impact, damaging nearby enemies, dealing magical damage, and stunning and knocking back enemies within the explosion radius.
  • Icons Vulcan A04 Old Volcanic Overdrive
  • The bonus protections have been removed and replaced with 30% damage reduction across all ranks.
  • This ability now also grants CC immunity while active.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1740 (September 25, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan A03 Thumper XVI
  • An issue has been fixed where this turret was only dealing damage to enemies within a cone. This will now deal damage in a 360 radius again, as intended.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1740 (September 25, 2013)

  • General
  • Fixed an AI issue with turrets.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • The mana cost for this ability has been reduced from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40/45/50/55/60.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1739.1 (September 19, 2013)

  • General
  • Fixed an AI issue with turrets.
  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • The mana cost for this ability has been reduced from 50/55/60/65/70 to 40/45/50/55/60.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1738 (September 18, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • This ability no longer pushes him backwards.
  • The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 13s to 9/8/7/6/5s.
  • The base damage of this ability has been decreased from 85/145/205/265/325 to 65/95/125/155/185.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1738 (September 18, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • This ability no longer pushes him backwards.
  • The cooldown of this ability has been reduced from 13s to 9/8/7/6/5s.
  • The base damage of this ability has been decreased from 85/145/205/265/325 to 65/95/125/155/185.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1666 (August 7, 2013)

  • General
  • Basic attacks switched from dealing/scaling physical damage to magical.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1629.0 (July 17, 2013)

  • Icons Vulcan A01 Backfire
  • This ability now marks the first god that is hit for 4 seconds, causing the Inferno Cannon to prioritize that target and giving the turrets 10% increased damage to that target.

Abilità Rimodellate

Passive - Forge
Vulcan transfers a percentage of his protections and health to his turrets. In addition, when Vulcan is within 30 ft of his own deployables they regen a percentage of their health every second because of their proximity to the Forge. Notes:
 Bullet Protection Transfer: 20%  Bullet Health Transfer: 20%
 Bullet Health Transfer: 20%  Bullet Ability Type: Buff

Video Abilità

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Passive - Heavy Shot
After using any ability, Vulcan's next basic attack within 3s will slow an enemy. This passive cannot be triggered more than once every 5s. Notes:
 Bullet Slow: 20%  Bullet Slow Duration: 2s
 Bullet Ability Type: Passive

Video Abilità

3rd Ability - Thumper XVI
Vulcan constructs a Thumper XVI that deals damage and slows enemies every second. The Thumper XVI lasts until destroyed or another is placed. This inherits Vulcan's penetrations but does not apply on-hit effects. Notes:
 Bullet Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+15% of your magical power)  Bullet Slow: 5/10/15/20/25%
 Bullet Slow Duration: 2s  Bullet Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 (+15% of your magical power)
 Bullet Ability Type: Pet  Bullet Radius: 35
 Bullet Cooldown: 15 seconds  Bullet Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Video Abilità

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Ultimate - Volcanic Overdrive
When Volcanic Overdrive is activated, Vulcan gains movement speed and protections for a short time. All of Vulcan's structures fire faster and gain massive regeneration. The Inferno Cannon also fires in a 360 radius and auto targets gods while under the effects of Volcanic Overdrive. Notes:
 Bullet Movement Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%  Bullet Protections: 10/20/30/40/50
 Bullet Structure Attack Speed: 50%  Bullet Buff Duration: 6s
 Bullet Ability Type: Buff  Bullet Cooldown: 90 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 100 mana

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