Smite Wiki
SkinArt Agni Default
Titolo: God of Fire
Pantheon: NewUI Pantheon Hindu Hindu
Tipo: Ranged, Magical
Classe: NewUI Class Mage Mage
Pro: High Area Damage
Difficoltà: Hard
Data di Rilascio: May 31, 2012
Favore: 1,250 Favor
Gemme: 200 Gems
Doppiaggio: Agni voicelines
Doppiatore: Scott Freeman
Salute: 360 (+71)
Mana: 255 (+45)
Velocità: 355 (+0)
Gittata: 55 (+0)
Attacchi al Sec.: 1 (+1.2%)
Attacco Base
Danno: 34 (+ 1.5)
+ 20% del Potere Magical
Progressione: None
Fisica: 11 (+2.6)
Magica: 30 (+0.9)
HP5: 7 (+0.47)
MP5: 4.7 (+0.37)
*I numeri tra parentesi rappresentano l'ammontare guadagnato per ogni livello

Agni è una delle Divinità giocabili in SMITE.

Folklore[ | ]

Ci sono pochi elementi distruttivi o purificatori come il fuoco. Agni, Dio del Fuoco, è l’incarnazione di entrambe queste qualità, portando una testa per ognuna di esse. Anche se la fonte della sua origine rimane incerta – poiché vi sono molte storie sulla sua discendenza che variano dall’essere due semplici bastoncini strofinati insieme, fino all’energia cosmica che ha creato tutto all’inizio del tempo – Agni è un Dio essenziale e importante con molti compiti nel Pantheon. È il fratello gemello di Indra, Dio dei Cieli e delle Piogge e capo dei guerrieri. Al contrario, Agni è il capo dei sacerdoti, che agisce come messaggero tra i mortali e gli Dei. Ogni rituale e preghiera Hindu è celebrata di fronte a un fuoco di qualche sorta, così che Agni possa portare parole e sacrifici, viaggiando tra Terra e Cieli. È benvenuto in ogni casa e in ogni cuore e beneamato dai Credenti. Attraverso le sue fiamme, Agni porta calore e luce, ma anche purificazione dalle impurità. Il fumo dalle sue pire crea l’aria e sostiene i Cieli. Il sole, una fonte di fuoco di per sé, porta energia che dà vita al mondo, e i suoi lampi screziano il cielo durante le tempeste. Nonostante la sua gentilezza e i suoi servigi, Agni ha due facce. Una è la faccia della gentilezza e della purezza, rivolta verso i popoli e gli Dei. Il suo altro volto, truce e inflessibile, guida il Dio del Fuoco, nel suo ruolo di creazione e distruzione all’interno del ciclo cosmico, a bruciare e carbonizzare tutte le atrocità del mondo, riducendole in cenere.

Abilità[ | ]

Passiva - Combustione
Dopo aver messo a segno 4 Attacchi Base, Agni guadagna un potenziamento. Al lancio successivo di Ondata di Fiamme o Pioggia di Fuoco, tutti i nemici colpiti da queste abilità vengono infiammati, subendo danno ogni .5 s per 3 s. Notes:
 Bullet Questa abilità inferisce un danno totale di 30 (+60% di Potere Magico).
 Bullet Danni per Tick: 5 (+10% di Potere Magico)

Video Abilità

Prima Abilità - Fumi Tossici
Agni evoca una nube di fumi tossici sul terreno bersaglio, facendo danno ogni secondo. Lanciando una delle abilità di Agni nei fumi fa esplodere il gas, stordendo tutti i nemici nel suo raggio. Notes:
 Bullet Questa abilità inferisce un danno totale di 100/200/300/400/500 (+50% di Potere Magico) Se il bersaglio rimane nell'area per tutta la sua durata.
 Bullet Danni per Tick :10/20/30/40/50 (+5% di Potere Magico)  Bullet Durata Fumi: 10s
 Bullet Durata Stordimento: 1s  Bullet Tipo Abilità: Bersaglio al Suolo
 Bullet Raggio: 20  Bullet Tempo di Ricarica: 12 secondi
 Bullet Costo: 60/70/80/90/100 mana

Video Abilità

Seconda Abilità - Ondata di Fiamme
Agni evoca un’onda di fiamme di fronte a lui che ustiona tutti i nemici sul suo percorso. Dà fuoco a Fumi Tossici. Notes:
 Bullet Questa abilità persiste 1s dopo la sua invocazione.
 Bullet Danno: 90/140/190/240/290 (+65% di Potere Magico)  Bullet Tipo di Abilità: In Linea
 Bullet Tempo di Ricarica: 15/14/13/12/11 secondi  Bullet Costo: 60/70/80/90/100 mana

Video Abilità

Terza Abilità - Percorso Infuocato
Agni incendia un percorso scattando velocemente in avanti, lasciando una striscia di fiamme dietro di se. Ogni nemico che passa attraverso le fiamme prende fuoco e viene danneggiato ogni .5 s per 2s. Dà fuoco a Fumi Tossici. Agni è immune a Respinte durante lo scatto. Notes:
 Bullet  Questa abilità inferisce 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% di Potere Magico) danni.
 Bullet L'effetto DoT si resetta ogni volta che il bersaglio tocca l'area infuocata.
 Bullet Danno per Tick: 20/30/40/50/60 (+15% di Potere Magico)  Bullet Path Duration: 3s
 Bullet Tipo di Abilità: Scatto  Bullet Tempo di Ricarica: 15 secondi
 Bullet Costo: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Video Abilità

Ultima - Pioggia di Fuoco
Ogni 20 secondi, Agni guadagna un’aureola fiammeggiante che può essere usata per evocare una meteora gigante sul terreno bersaglio. Può evocarne una ogni .8 s. Dà fuoco a Fumi Tossici. Notes:
 Bullet Il Tempo di Ricarica è affetto da oggetti che conferiscono riduzione del Tempo di Ricarica
 Bullet Questa abilità può inferire un danno fino a 480/585/690/795/900 (+180% di Potere Magico).
 Bullet Danno: 160/195/230/265/300 (+60% di Potere Magico)  Bullet Aureole massime: 3
 Bullet Tipo di Abilità: Bersaglio al Suolo  Bullet Radius: 20
 Bullet Tempo di Ricarica: 20 secondi  Bullet Costo: 0 mana

Video Abilità

Videos[ | ]

God Reveal[ | ]

Achievements[ | ]

Achievement Combat Agni TheHeat
The Heat!
As Agni stun three or more gods with Noxious Fumes.
Achievement Combat Agni ThoseFumes
Those Fumes
As Agni get the killing blow with the damage from Combustion.

Trivia[ | ]

General[ | ]

  • Agni was one of the 17 playable gods in SMITE closed Beta.
  • In February of 2014 Agni received a remodel, changing all the skins he had at the moment, with Volcanic receiving a remodel afterward.
  • The actor who voiced Agni, Scott Freeman, also voiced Poolseidon Poseidon and Thanatos.
  • One of Agni's jokes, "Only you can prevent forest fires. Well... Unless I'm around.", is probably a reference to the 1980's Smokey the Bear commercial.
  • Agni's dance emote is based on Bhangra.

God Skins[ | ]

  • lin=Incinerator
  • This is one of the few Tier 1 skins with custom ability effects.
  • T Agni Volcanic Icon Volcanic
  • T Agni Swagni IconSwagni
  • Agni's Swagni skin originated from players calling Agni's old model Swagni, due to his original walk animation. The skin's walk animation also references this.
  • In this skin card art, Afro-Dite Aphrodite and Neith can be seen with Swagni.
  • There is an announcer pack themed after Agni's Swagni skin, given as a reward for gathering 6,000 Fantasy Points for the Season Ticket 2015. It can be heard here: Swagni Announcer pack.
  • One of Swagni's quotes when he uses his 1st ability, "Can you dig it, sucker!", is a reference to a quote made in the film The Warriors.
  • One of Swagni's quotes when he uses his 2nd ability, "Swagni Pimp Slap!", is a reference to the saying Pimp Slap.
  • Swagni's quote when he uses his ultimate, "Make it rain!", is a reference to the saying and song with the same title Make It Rain by singer Fat Joe.
  • One of Swagni's taunts, "You play with fire, you might get burned.", is a reference to the saying Play with fire.
  • T Agni Theater IconT Agni Encore Icon Triumph & Agni/Encore
  • T Agni Curse IconCurse
  • This skin's card art was originally going to be TRIG Agni but was reworked after the esports skin was cancelled.
  • T Agni Gemini IconGemini
  • T Agni WinterHell IconIce Mage
  • T Agni ShellShock IconShell Shock
  • T Agni InfiniteDuality IconInfinite Duality
  • T Agni Infernal IconInfernal
  • T Agni AbyssalAcolyte IconAbyssal Acolyte
  • This skin was based on the Cthulhu Mythos created by the Autor H. P. Lovecraft.
  • More specifically, this skin could be based on one of Lovecraft books, The Dunwich Horror.

Skins[ | ]

Default Skin card Data di Uscita May 31, 2012
Tipo Standard
Costo Free
Parlato Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Incinerator Skin card Data di Uscita May 31, 2012
Tipo Standard
Costo 100 Gems or 9500 Favor
Parlato Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom ability effects.

Volcanic Skin card Data di Uscita November 2, 2012
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems
Parlato Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.

Swagni Skin card Data di Uscita July 15, 2014
Tipo Standard
Costo 600 Gems
Parlato Swagni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.

Triumph & Agni
Triumph & Agni Skin card Data di Uscita June 16, 2015
Tipo Exclusive
Costo None
Parlato Triumph & Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin is awarded for completing the Spread the Love Achievement (Played 10 hours with a player you have referred in your party). (Refer-a-Friend System)

Curse Agni
Curse Agni Skin card Data di Uscita November 3, 2015
Tipo Exclusive
Costo Requires Skin code
Parlato Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom ability effects.
 Bullet This skin is unlocked with a special code awarded for playing a minimum of 10 matches while using Curse Voice.
 Bullet This skin was part of the SWC 2016 Digital Loot Pack bundle.

Gemini Skin card Data di Uscita October 11, 2016
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 500 Gems
Parlato Gemini Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin was part of the Odyssey 2017 event.

Encore Skin card Data di Uscita February 1, 2017
Tipo Exclusive
Costo None (Undying Chest 2017)
Parlato Triumph & Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin can only be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

Ice Mage
Ice Mage Skin card Data di Uscita November 20, 2017
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 400 Gems (Winter Holiday Chest)
Parlato Ice Mage Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin can only be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

Shell Shock
Shell Shock Skin card Data di Uscita March 22, 2019
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 900 Gems (Excalibur bundle)
Parlato Shell Shock Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin was part of the Legend of Camelot event.

Infinite Duality
Infinite Duality Skin card Data di Uscita February 25, 2020
Tipo Exclusive
Costo None
Parlato Infinite Duality Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin could only be obtained by obtaining the Esports & Live Streams viewer pass bundle.

Infernal Skin card Data di Uscita October 29, 2014
Tipo Limited
Costo None
Parlato Infernal Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin could only be obtained by unlocking 12 or more items from the Odyssey before January 9, 2015.

Abyssal Acolyte
Abyssal Acolyte Skin card Data di Uscita August 20, 2018
Tipo Limited
Costo 1 Gold Key
Parlato Abyssal Acolyte Agni voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin was part of the Adventures' Gold Vault.

Golden Skin card Data di Uscita October 2, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 200 Gems or 9500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 1
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Legendary Skin card Data di Uscita October 2, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 300 Gems or 12500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 5
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Diamond Skin card Data di Uscita August 19, 2014
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems or 15000 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 10
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Changelog[ | ]

SMITE Version 5.16.4960.4 (September 4, 2018)

  • General
  • Fixed an issue where the active duration of Flame Wave was not correct while using the Abyssal Acolyte skin.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Decreased damage from 160/195/230/265/300 to 140/180/220/260/300.

SMITE Version 5.1.4571.1 (January 30, 2018)

  • General
  • Now all mages have magic prot scalings of .9 per level.
  • Increased Movement Speed from 350 to 355.
  • Icons Agni Passive Combustion
  • This damage dealt by this ability now triggers "on ability hit" effects.

SMITE Version 4.24.4493.1 (December 19, 2017)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Decreased mana cost from 60/70/80/90/100 to 60/65/70/75/80.

SMITE Version 4.21.4415 (November 6, 2017)

  • General
  • Increased Attack Speed per level from .95 to 1.2.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Increased Magical Power Scaling from 60% to 70% per Meteor.
  • Decreased Cooldown from 20s to 18s per Meteor.

SMITE Version 3.18.3651 (September 27, 2016)

  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Increased persist time of Flame Wave from .5 → 1s.

SMITE Version 3.9.3413 (May 24, 2016)

  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Increased scaling from 50% → 65%.

SMITE Version 3.6.3346 (April 12, 2016)

  • General
  • Increased base Attack Speed from 0.86 → 1.
  • Decreased % increase of Attack Speed per level from 1.01 → 0.95.

SMITE Version 2.13.2948.1 (September 1, 2015)

  • General
  • The Volcanic Agni skin has been updated.

SMITE Version 2.12.2920.2 (August 18, 2015)

  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Fixed not highlighting targets.

SMITE Version 2.9.2833.1 (June 30, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed missing fire fx playing in lobby.

SMITE Version 2.6.2740 (May 12, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed an issue where his cooldowns were not showing up on tooltips.

SMITE Version 1.0.2531 (January 19, 2015)

  • General
  • Made Agni ‘Infernal’ skin look better on Low settings.

SMITE Version 1.0.2379.3 (October 29, 2014)

  • General
  • Fixed Infernal skin missing god select voice over

SMITE Version 1.0.2215.6 (July 15, 2014)

  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Fixed an issue where Agni could not target this ability inside tower or wall collisions.

SMITE Version 1.0.2173 (June 12, 2014)

  • General
  • Added targeters for Volcanic skin.

SMITE Version 1.0.2151.3 (May 28, 2014)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Casting time reduced from 0.3s to 0.2s.
  • Fume cloud deploy time reduced from 0.1 to instantaneous.
  • These changes should help land his Ultimate stun combo.
  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Agni is no longer crowd control immune, but is instead immune to Knockback during this dash.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.2015.1 (March 5, 2014)

  • General
  • Thumbnail/Portrait Icon has been updated.
  • Buff icons removed for the Ultimate (since the need for these were eliminated by the new passive meter).
  • Fixed an issue with his run speed not updating on the HUD.
  • Fixed a minor FX issue with the Incinerator skin.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Switched this ability to no longer use Continuous Fire. In Quick Cast mode, left clicks occurring a short time after a meteor is cast will no longer fire another one, instead always firing basic attacks. In standard targeting mode, clicking and holding the mouse will no longer fire multiple meteors uninterrupted if they are available.
  • Re-fixed the issue with not animating for every shot.
  • Volcanic skin will still have the issue in Solo Practice matches.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1989.2 (February 20, 2014)

  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Fixed an issue in which the recovery time was not correct, making it more difficult to place Noxious Fumes down in time after using Rain Fire.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1988.3 (February 19, 2014) General

  • Agni's model, animations, 2D Art, and FX have all been updated.
  • Agni's passive meter has been updated include a timer indicating how many seconds until your next meteor becomes available.
  • Agni's Incinerator, Golden and Legendary skins have been updated for the new model. Agni's Volcanic skin has kept the same model and animations as previous, but has some FX updates.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.6 to 0.4. Should help higher ping players be able to place Noxious Fumes down in time after using Rain Fire.
  • Fixed an issue where firing multiple meteors would skip animations.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1968 (February 6, 2014)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Casting time increased from 0 to 0.3.
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.2 to 0.1.
  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.5 to 0.1.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.7 to 0.6.
  • Damage reduced from 175/215/255/295/335 to 160/195/230/265/300.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1918.2 (January 8, 2014)

  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Adjusted the targeter to better indicate the area that will deal damage.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1868.3 (December 5, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • The warmup hit area indicator FX now shows 0.5s earlier for both friendly and enemy players. Note: The warm up did not get longer, the FX are visible earlier (more warning).

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1838.1 (November 13, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • This ability can now be placed inside of walls and other blocking geometry.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1831.1 (November 7, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Fixed an issue where the damage over time passive was not applying to targets up close.
  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Fixed an issue where he wasn't completely crowd control immune during the dash, like vs Ares ultimate.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Polynomicon passive now works with this ability.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1581 (June 20, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Fixed an issue in which Noxious Fumes would tick its damage an additional time.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1543 (May 30, 2013)

  • General
  • Agni's passive now has an improved UI treatment.
  • The Incinerator skin has updated FX.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1404 (March 15, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Description updated to accurately show the damage on the skill screen.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1403 (March 13, 2013)

  • General
  • FX have been updated for looks and performance.
  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • A bug has been fixed that allowed this ability to do double damage under some conditions.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1376.3 (March 1, 2013)

  • General
  • Fixed a bug in which Agni's basic attack was dealing true damage.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1349 (February 13, 2013)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • When detonated, all enemies are stunned for 1s at all ranks.

SMITE Closed Beta Version 0.1.1029 (August 24, 2012)

  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Base damage increased from 80/120/160/200/240 to 90/140/190/240/290.
  • Magical power contribution increased from 40% to 50%.

SMITE Closed Beta Version 0.1.997 (August 3, 2012)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Reduced the duration of the stun from 2s to 1s.
  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Amount of time the flames are on the ground has been reduced from 4s to 3s.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Range has been reduced from 70 to 65 feet.

SMITE Closed Beta Version 0.1.975.1 (July 20, 2012)

  • General
  • New taunt!
  • Icons Agni A03 Path of Flames
  • Damage done per tick has been reduced from 25/35/45/55/65 to 20/30/40/50/60.
  • Icons Agni A04 Rain Fire
  • Fixed animation issue with firing consecutive meteors.
  • Fixed timing difference between holding down the button to fire 3 consecutive meteors versus clicking the button 3 times.
  • It now takes Agni .8s to fire a meteor (up from .5s).

SMITE Closed Beta Version 0.1.920.0 (June 15, 2012)

  • Icons Agni A01 Noxious Fumes
  • Tweaks to make the stun combo easier to perform.
  • Reduced the cooldown from 15s to 12s.
  • Icons Agni A02 Flame Wave
  • Cooldown changed from 14s to decreasing cooldowns per rank, 15/14/13/12/11s.

NewUI Pantheon Arthurian Arthurian King Arthur  Bullet  Merlin
NewUI Pantheon Celtic Celtic Artio  Bullet  Cernunnos  Bullet  Cu Chulainn  Bullet  The Morrigan
NewUI Pantheon Chinese Chinese Ao Kuang  Bullet  Chang'e  Bullet  Da Ji  Bullet  Erlang Shen  Bullet Guan Yu  Bullet  He Bo  Bullet  Hou Yi  Bullet  Jing Wei  Bullet  Mulan  Bullet  Ne Zha  Bullet  Nu Wa  Bullet  Sun Wukong  Bullet  Xing Tian  Bullet  Zhong Kui
NewUI Pantheon Egyptian Egyptian Anhur  Bullet  Anubis  Bullet  Bastet  Bullet  Geb  Bullet  Horus  Bullet  Isis  Bullet  Khepri  Bullet  Neith  Bullet  Osiris  Bullet  Ra  Bullet  Serqet  Bullet  Set  Bullet  Sobek  Bullet  Thoth
NewUI Pantheon Greek Greek Achilles  Bullet  Aphrodite  Bullet  Apollo  Bullet  Arachne  Bullet  Ares  Bullet  Artemis  Bullet  Athena  Bullet  Cerberus  Bullet  Chiron  Bullet  Chronos  Bullet  Hades  Bullet  Hera  Bullet  Medusa  Bullet  Nemesis  Bullet  Nike  Bullet  Persephone  Bullet  Poseidon  Bullet  Scylla  Bullet  Thanatos  Bullet  Zeus
NewUI Pantheon Hindu Hindu Agni  Bullet  Bakasura  Bullet  Ganesha  Bullet  Kali  Bullet  Kumbhakarna  Bullet  Rama  Bullet  Ravana  Bullet  Vamana
NewUI Pantheon Japanese Japanese Amaterasu  Bullet  Hachiman  Bullet  Izanami  Bullet  Kuzenbo  Bullet  Raijin  Bullet  Susano  Bullet  Tsukuyomi
NewUI Pantheon Mayan Mayan Ah Muzen Cab  Bullet  Ah Puch  Bullet  Awilix  Bullet  Cabrakan  Bullet  Camazotz  Bullet  Chaac  Bullet  Hun Batz  Bullet  Kukulkan  Bullet  Xbalanque
NewUI Pantheon Norse Norse Fafnir  Bullet  Fenrir  Bullet  Freya  Bullet  Heimdallr  Bullet  Hel  Bullet  Jormungandr  Bullet  Loki  Bullet  Odin  Bullet  Ratatoskr  Bullet  Skadi  Bullet  Sol  Bullet  Thor  Bullet  Tyr  Bullet  Ullr  Bullet  Ymir
NewUI Pantheon Polynesian Polynesian Pele
NewUI Pantheon Roman Roman Bacchus  Bullet  Bellona  Bullet  Cupid  Bullet  Discordia  Bullet  Hercules  Bullet  Janus  Bullet  Mercury  Bullet  Nox  Bullet  Sylvanus  Bullet  Terra  Bullet  Vulcan
NewUI Pantheon Slavic Slavic Baba Yaga  Bullet  Chernobog
NewUI Pantheon Voodoo Voodoo Baron Samedi
NewUI Pantheon Yoruba Yoruba Olorun  Bullet  Yemoja