Smite Wiki
SkinArt Zeus Default
Titolo: God of the Sky
Pantheon: NewUI Pantheon Greek Greek
Tipo: Ranged, Magical
Classe: NewUI Class Mage Mage
Pro: High Area Damage
Difficoltà: Average
Data di Rilascio: May 31, 2012
Favore: 5,500 Favor
Gemme: 200 Gems
Doppiaggio: Zeus voicelines
Doppiatore: Christopher Sabat
Salute: 380 (+71)
Mana: 245 (+44)
Velocità: 355 (+0)
Gittata: 55 (+0)
Attacchi al Sec.: 0.87 (+0.99%)
Attacco Base
Danno: 35 (+ 1.5)
+ 20% del Potere Magical
Progressione: None
Fisica: 8 (+2.7)
Magica: 30 (+0)
HP5: 6 (+0.45)
MP5: 4.6 (+0.45)
*I numeri tra parentesi rappresentano l'ammontare guadagnato per ogni livello

Zeus è una delle Divinità giocabili in SMITE.

Folklore[ | ]

Re degli Dei, Zeus si batte per la giustizia e l'onestà, ma non esita a invocare il fulmine quando c'è da seminare distruzione! Il padre di Zeus,il titano Crono, ingoiò immediatamente suo figlio dopo la nascita così che nessuno lo avrebbe potuto rovesciare come aveva fatto con suo padre. Quando Zeus nacque, Rhea, la madre di Zeus, nascose il bambino da Crono e diede al Titano una roccia avvolta in vestiti, che ingoiò al posto di Zeus. In segreto, Zeus crede sull'isola di Creta finché fu grande e forte abbastanza da sfidare suo padre. Durante la loro battaglia, Zeus aprì lo stomaco di Crono, che i suoi fratelli e le sue sorelle potessero scappare, uccisero il titano. In seguito, Zeus liberò i Ciclopi e altri esseri che Crono aveva tenuto prigionieri. Come ringraziamento, i Ciclopi gli diedero il controllo dei fulmini. Con i suoi due fratelli, Poseidone e Ade, le tre divinità patteggiare I per decidere chi fosse al comando dei tre regni. Poseidone divenne il del mare,Ade il re dell'oltretomba, e Zeus re del cielo. Dal suo trono dorato sulla cima del monte Olimpo, Zeus adesso regna sugli dei e sugli uomini con sua moglie Era, sostenendo la giustizia, l'ospitalità,i giuramenti e l'onestà su tutto il suo dominio. Però, Zeus è un Dio irrequieto, e nonostante abbia alte aspettative nei confronti degli altri, egli non li mantiene per sé stesso. Soprattutto, Zeus è tristemente famoso per le tante infedeltà verso sua moglie, che gli hanno dato dozzine di figli avuti con altre donne, i più famosi dei quali sono Ercole, Artemide e Atena. Tale insensata infedeltà è fonte di una grande gelosia da parte di Era, anche se, come Re, Zeus può alla fine fare ciò che più desidera. Il tempo è dettato dall'umore del dio del Tuono. Quando è di buon umore, il cielo è chiaro, luminoso è caldo. Quando la rabbia di Zeus si incendia, nuvole nere invadono il cielo, fulmini e tuoni fanno tremare il suono. Ultimamente, Zeus è stato molto arrabbiato.

Abilità[ | ]

Passiva - Sovraccarico
Gli attacchi base di Zeus applicano una Carica sul bersaglio. Ulteriori attacchi base su un bersaglio con della Carica infliggono più danno. Notes:
 Bullet Damage Increase per Charge: 30%  Bullet Ability Type: Debuff

Video Abilità

Prima Abilità - Lampo
Zeus lancia un Lampo che passa da un nemico all’altro, infliggendo danno e applicando una Carica ad ogni tocco. Notes:
 Bullet This ability can hit and bounce off of pets and deployables.
 Bullet There is a delay of 0.3s before each arc.
 Bullet Damage: 40/70/100/130/160 (+40% of your magical power)  Bullet Arcs: 4
 Bullet Slow: 30% for 2s  Bullet Ability Type: Projectile
 Bullet Cooldown: 10 seconds  Bullet Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana

Video Abilità

Seconda Abilità - Assalto di Aegis
Zeus lancia il suo scudo sul suolo bersaglio, danneggiando i nemici presenti in quell’area. Lo scudo rimane per 5s, e Zeus può colpirlo con i suoi attacchi base o con Lampo per infliggere danno addizionale e applicare una Carica ai nemici colti nel raggio d’azione dello scudo. Notes:
 Bullet This ability has a projectile speed of 70.
 Bullet Initial Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 (+50% of your magical power)  Bullet Static Damage: 10/15/20/25/30 + Basic Attack Damage
 Bullet Ability Type: Ground Target  Bullet Cooldown: 10 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana

Video Abilità

EmbedVideo is missing a required parameter.
Terza Abilità - Detona Cariche
Zeus detona ogni Carica presente sui suoi nemici, infliggendo ad ognuno un danno moltiplicato per 1, 2 o 3 volte in base al numero di Cariche su di essi presenti. Notes:
 Bullet This ability deals 110/150/190/230/270 (+36% of your magical power) damage with two charges and 165/225/285/345/405 (+54% of your magical power) with three charges. Bullet This ability cannot be cast unless there is at least one marked target.
 Bullet Damage: 55/75/95/115/135 (+18% of your magical power)  Bullet Ability Type: Instant
 Bullet Cooldown: 10 seconds  Bullet Cost: 90 mana

Video Abilità

Ultima - Tempesta di Fulmini
Zeus invoca una Tempesta di Fulmini, che colpiscono e danneggiano i nemici presenti nell’area ogni secondo. I fulmini applicano una Carica ad ogni colpo. Notes:
 Bullet This ability can deal up to 500/600/700/800/900 (+250% of your magical power) damage.
 Bullet Damage per Hit: 100/120/140/160/180 (+50% of your magical power)  Bullet Lifetime: 5s
 Bullet Ability Type: Ground Target  Bullet Radius: 30
 Bullet Cooldown: 90 seconds  Bullet Cost: 100 mana

Video Abilità

Oggetti Consigliati[ | ]



PurificationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Vampiric Shroud|?icon}}|64px|link=Vampiric Shroud]]

Vampiric ShroudErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Lost Artifact|?icon}}|64px|link=Lost Artifact]]

Lost ArtifactErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Mana Potion|?icon}}|64px|link=Mana Potion]]

Mana PotionErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Spear of the Magus|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of the Magus]]

Spear of the MagusErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of Desolation|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of Desolation]]

Spear of DesolationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Bancroft's Talon|?icon}}|64px|link=Bancroft's Talon]]

Bancroft's TalonErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).



SanctuaryErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SunderErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


WrathErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Shoes of the Magi|?icon}}|64px|link=Shoes of the Magi]]

Shoes of the MagiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Chronos' Pendant|?icon}}|64px|link=Chronos' Pendant]]

Chronos' PendantErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Obsidian Shard|?icon}}|64px|link=Obsidian Shard]]

Obsidian ShardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Magi's Blessing|?icon}}|64px|link=Magi's Blessing]]

Magi's BlessingErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Bulwark of Hope|?icon}}|64px|link=Bulwark of Hope]]

Bulwark of HopeErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Mail of Renewal|?icon}}|64px|link=Mail of Renewal]]

Mail of RenewalErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Healing Potion|?icon}}|64px|link=Healing Potion]]

Healing PotionErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Sentry Ward|?icon}}|64px|link=Sentry Ward]]

Sentry WardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


WardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Shoes of the Magi|?icon}}|64px|link=Shoes of the Magi]]

Shoes of the MagiErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Chronos' Pendant|?icon}}|64px|link=Chronos' Pendant]]

Chronos' PendantErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Obsidian Shard|?icon}}|64px|link=Obsidian Shard]]

Obsidian ShardErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Magi's Blessing|?icon}}|64px|link=Magi's Blessing]]

Magi's BlessingErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Bulwark of Hope|?icon}}|64px|link=Bulwark of Hope]]

Bulwark of HopeErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Mail of Renewal|?icon}}|64px|link=Mail of Renewal]]

Mail of RenewalErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Potion of Magical Might|?icon}}|64px|link=Potion of Magical Might]]

Potion of Magical MightErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Elixir of Power|?icon}}|64px|link=Elixir of Power]]

Elixir of PowerErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Elixir of Defense|?icon}}|64px|link=Elixir of Defense]]

Elixir of DefenseErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


[[File:{{#show:Spear of the Magus|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of the Magus]]

Spear of the MagusErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Spear of Desolation|?icon}}|64px|link=Spear of Desolation]]

Spear of DesolationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

[[File:{{#show:Bancroft's Talon|?icon}}|64px|link=Bancroft's Talon]]

Bancroft's TalonErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).



PurificationErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SanctuaryErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).


SunderErrore Lua in Modulo:Item_tooltip alla linea 12: attempt to index local 'cargo' (a nil value).

Video[ | ]

God Reveal[ | ]

Imprese[ | ]

Achievement Combat Zeus Detonate
As Zeus kill three or more enemy gods who have three charges on them with Detonate.
Achievement Combat Zeus WatchItBounce
Watch It Bounce
As Zeus kill an enemy god on the fourth bounce of Chain Lightning.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Zeus was the first god to receive a Golden skin.
  • One of Zeus' jokes, "Are you ready, for 1.21 gigawatts?!", is a reference to the American science fiction movie Back To The Future.
  • Zeus' Uncle Zeus skin is a reference to the United States' national personification, Uncle Sam.

Aspetti[ | ]

Default Skin card Data di Uscita May 31, 2012
Tipo Standard
Costo Free
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Thunderhead Skin card Data di Uscita August 7, 2014
Tipo Standard
Costo 100 Gems or 9500 Favor
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Wrath of Olympus
Wrath of Olympus Skin card Data di Uscita August 18, 2015
Tipo Standard
Costo 250 Gems
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Stormbringer Skin card Data di Uscita June 21, 2012
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Almighty Skin card Data di Uscita July 10, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive

X Skin card Data di Uscita May 12, 2015
Tipo Exclusive
Costo None
Parlato Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom ability effects.
 Bullet To obtain this skin one must link their Hi-Rez account with an Xbox account that has a Smite profile: Link.

Uncle Zeus
Uncle Zeus Skin card Data di Uscita June 29, 2015
Tipo Exclusive
Costo 400 Gems (Independence Chest)
Parlato Uncle Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom ability effects.
 Bullet This skin is usually only available during the american Independence Day holiday but can also be obtained as a rare roll from certain Treasure Chests.

SWC 2016
SWC 2016 Skin card Data di Uscita November 3, 2015
Tipo Limited Edition
Costo None
Parlato SWC 2016 Zeus voicelines
Informazioni Aggiuntive
 Bullet This skin comes with custom character animations and ability effects.
 Bullet This skin could only be obtained by purchasing the SWC 2016 Digital Loot Pack bundle before January 12, 2016.

Golden Skin card Data di Uscita May 23, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 200 Gems or 9500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 1
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Legendary Skin card Data di Uscita July 10, 2013
Tipo Standard
Costo 300 Gems or 12500 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 5
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Diamond Skin card Data di Uscita August 19, 2014
Tipo Standard
Costo 400 Gems or 15000 Favor
Requisiti God Rank 10
Parlato [[]]
Informazioni Aggiuntive

Storico Cambiamenti[ | ]

Template:Unfinished changelog

SMITE Version 3.5.3322.1 (March 29, 2016)

  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Aegis Assault
  • No longer knocks minions back.

SMITE Version 2.19.3115 (December 1, 2015)

  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Chain Lightning
  • Increased bounce delay from 0.2s → 0.3s.

SMITE Version 2.17.3071 (November 3, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed recall fx not playing on the ground.
  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Aegis Assault
  • Reduced projectile speed from 90 → 70.

SMITE Version 2.14.2983.1 (September 22, 2015)

  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Chain Lightning
  • Decreased bounce delay from 0.4 → 0.2s.
  • Reduced damage from 45/85/125/165/205 → 40/70/100/130/160.
  • Increased cooldown 8s → 10s.
  • Now applies a 30% slow to targets for 2s.
  • Icons Zeus AegisShield NEW - Aegis Assault
  • Zeus throws his shield forward, dealing 80/125/170/215/260 +50% Magical Power as damage to nearby enemies. The shield remains for 5s, and Zeus may hit it with Basic Attacks or Chain Lightning to deal an additional 10/15/20/25/30 + Basic Attack damage and apply a charge. Cost: 60/65/70/75/80. Cooldown: 10s.
  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • No longer slows if you have 3 stacks on a target.
  • Icons Zeus LightningStorm Lightning Storm
  • Zeus is no longer rooted while casting this ability.

SMITE Version 2.9.2833.1 (June 30, 2015)

  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Fixed an issue where rank 5 could incorrectly apply Disarm to targets.

SMITE Version 2.8.2806 (June 16, 2015)

  • General
  • Rework clap emote not animating.

SMITE Version 2.7.2766 (June 2, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed lightning bolt in lobby misbehaving.

SMITE Version 2.4.2684.1 (April 15, 2015)

  • General
  • Fixed lightning bolts persisting while on the lobby pedestal.

SMITE Version 1.0.2326 (October 1, 2014)

  • General
  • Fixed some T-posing issues with his Almighty skin.

SMITE Version 1.0.2268.2 (August 19, 2014)

  • General
  • New art and icons for abilities.

SMITE Version 1.0.2247 (August 5, 2014)

  • General
  • Model, Skins and Loading Screen Cards have undergone major revisions.

SMITE Version 1.0.2188.3 (June 24, 2014)

  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Slow increased from 30% to 40%.

SMITE Version 1.0.2151.3 (May 28, 2014)

  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Chain Lightning
  • Arc distance reduced from 40 to 34.
  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Targets with 3 Charges are no longer stunned, they are instead slowed 30% for 1.5s.

SMITE Version 1.0.2125 (May 6, 2014)

  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Reduced damage from 60/80/100/120/140 to 55/75/95/115/135 per charge.
  • Reduced scaling from 20% to 18% of your magical power per charge.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1988.3 (February 19, 2014)

  • General
  • Basic attack progression of 1/1/.5/.5 has been removed.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1968 (February 6, 2014)

  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Chain Lightning
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.66 to 0.1.
  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Old2 Aegis Shield
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.25 to 0.1.
  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Recovery time reduced from 0.15 to 0.1.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1918.2 (January 8, 2014)

  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Old2 Aegis Shield
  • Removed the slow immunity.
  • Reduced the granted protections from 15/25/35/45/55 to 10/20/30/40/50.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1868.3 (December 5, 2013)

  • General
  • Basic attacks will now apply an electrocution death to minions they kill.
  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Chain Lightning
  • Now applies an electrocution death to minions it kills.
  • Icons Zeus LightningStorm Lightning Storm
  • Increased the buildup time from 0.6s to 0.9s
  • Reworded the tooltip to indicate each hit applies a charge.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1850 (November 20, 2013)

  • General
  • New loading screen card.
  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Detonate Charge
  • Reduced the magical damage scaling from 25% to 20%.
  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Old2 Aegis Shield
  • Movement speed bonus changed from 25% to 10/15/20/25/30% per rank.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1831.1 (November 7, 2013)

  • Icons Zeus LightningStorm Lightning Storm
  • This ability can now be placed anywhere and no longer requires line of sight to the center to place it.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1805 (October 23, 2013)

  • Icons Zeus LightningStorm Lightning Storm
  • The amount of time that Zeus takes to deploy this ability has been reduced from 1.2s to .6s.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1705 (August 27, 2013)

  • General
  • Ground targeters have been customized.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1616.1 (July 10, 2013)

  • General
  • Zeus' basic attacks now utilize a hit progression with a 1/1/.5/.5x timing and damage scale

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1581 (June 20, 2013)

  • General
  • Zeus's model has undergone visual improvements.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1557.2 (June 12, 2013)

  • Icons Zeus AegisShield Old2 Aegis Shield
  • The movement speed buff has been increased from 15% to 25%.

SMITE Beta Version 0.1.1520.2 (May 23, 2013)

  • General
  • His basic attacks now deal 35 (+25% of your magical power) magical damage.
  • Zeus no longer starts with physical power or gains physical power per level.
  • Icons Zeus Passive Old Overcharge
  • Basic attacks against targets with charges deal 30% increased damage per charge.
  • Icons Zeus ChainLightning Old Chain Lightning
  • The cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 10s to 8s.
  • The number of arcs on this ability has been changed from 1/2/3/4/5 to 4 at all ranks.
  • The base damage has been changed from 70/100/130/160/190 to 45/85/125/165/205.
  • The magical power contribution has been reduced from 50% to 40%.
  • Icons Zeus DetonateCharge Old Detonate Charge
  • The damage scaling based on the number of charges has been reduced from 1/2.5/4 to 1/2/3.
  • When this ability is used on an enemy that has 3 charges, they are also stunned for 1s.
  • Icons Zeus LightningStorm Old Lightning Storm
  • The magical power contribution has been reduced from 70% to 50%.

Abilità Rimodellate[ | ]

2nd Ability - Aegis Shield
Zeus harnesses his lightning defensively, granting himself additional protections and increasing his movement speed. While the shield is active, basic attacks from enemy players have a percentage of the damage reflected back as magical damage and have a charge applied. Notes:
 Bullet Protections: 10/20/30/40/50  Bullet Movement Speed: 10/15/20/25/30%
 Bullet Basic Attack Reflect: 10%  Bullet Lifetime: 6s
 Bullet Ability Type: Buff  Bullet Cooldown: 15 seconds
 Bullet Cost: 75 mana

Video Abilità

NewUI Pantheon Arthurian Arthurian King Arthur  Bullet  Merlin
NewUI Pantheon Celtic Celtic Artio  Bullet  Cernunnos  Bullet  Cu Chulainn  Bullet  The Morrigan
NewUI Pantheon Chinese Chinese Ao Kuang  Bullet  Chang'e  Bullet  Da Ji  Bullet  Erlang Shen  Bullet Guan Yu  Bullet  He Bo  Bullet  Hou Yi  Bullet  Jing Wei  Bullet  Mulan  Bullet  Ne Zha  Bullet  Nu Wa  Bullet  Sun Wukong  Bullet  Xing Tian  Bullet  Zhong Kui
NewUI Pantheon Egyptian Egyptian Anhur  Bullet  Anubis  Bullet  Bastet  Bullet  Geb  Bullet  Horus  Bullet  Isis  Bullet  Khepri  Bullet  Neith  Bullet  Osiris  Bullet  Ra  Bullet  Serqet  Bullet  Set  Bullet  Sobek  Bullet  Thoth
NewUI Pantheon Greek Greek Achilles  Bullet  Aphrodite  Bullet  Apollo  Bullet  Arachne  Bullet  Ares  Bullet  Artemis  Bullet  Athena  Bullet  Cerberus  Bullet  Chiron  Bullet  Chronos  Bullet  Hades  Bullet  Hera  Bullet  Medusa  Bullet  Nemesis  Bullet  Nike  Bullet  Persephone  Bullet  Poseidon  Bullet  Scylla  Bullet  Thanatos  Bullet  Zeus
NewUI Pantheon Hindu Hindu Agni  Bullet  Bakasura  Bullet  Ganesha  Bullet  Kali  Bullet  Kumbhakarna  Bullet  Rama  Bullet  Ravana  Bullet  Vamana
NewUI Pantheon Japanese Japanese Amaterasu  Bullet  Hachiman  Bullet  Izanami  Bullet  Kuzenbo  Bullet  Raijin  Bullet  Susano  Bullet  Tsukuyomi
NewUI Pantheon Mayan Mayan Ah Muzen Cab  Bullet  Ah Puch  Bullet  Awilix  Bullet  Cabrakan  Bullet  Camazotz  Bullet  Chaac  Bullet  Hun Batz  Bullet  Kukulkan  Bullet  Xbalanque
NewUI Pantheon Norse Norse Fafnir  Bullet  Fenrir  Bullet  Freya  Bullet  Heimdallr  Bullet  Hel  Bullet  Jormungandr  Bullet  Loki  Bullet  Odin  Bullet  Ratatoskr  Bullet  Skadi  Bullet  Sol  Bullet  Thor  Bullet  Tyr  Bullet  Ullr  Bullet  Ymir
NewUI Pantheon Polynesian Polynesian Pele
NewUI Pantheon Roman Roman Bacchus  Bullet  Bellona  Bullet  Cupid  Bullet  Discordia  Bullet  Hercules  Bullet  Janus  Bullet  Mercury  Bullet  Nox  Bullet  Sylvanus  Bullet  Terra  Bullet  Vulcan
NewUI Pantheon Slavic Slavic Baba Yaga  Bullet  Chernobog
NewUI Pantheon Voodoo Voodoo Baron Samedi
NewUI Pantheon Yoruba Yoruba Olorun  Bullet  Yemoja